Thursday, February 24, 2011

Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0


I chose NETS-T #1.  I chose this particular standard to investigate because I strongly believe in finding different ways outside the norm to help educate children.  I think we are becoming to robotic in our ways and need to refocus on individuality of a child and not take that away from him/her style of learning.  I also believe that we need to make more things available for the child to explore his/her talents and shine in something that they are good at.

What a powerful speech about creativity.  Sir Ken Robinson made some interesting points that I strongly agree with. 
“All kids have tremendous talents and we squander them”, public education holds math and humanities at the top and art and music in the bottom.  Some children may not be the best at any one of the subjects so highly focused on in the system, but that does no mean that they must have a learning disability.  I liked the example he used of the woman who had choreographed Cats, back when she was in school around the 1930’s her teachers had spoken with her mother concerned that she had a learning disability.  She went to seek help, when the counselor noticed there was nothing wrong with her other than she learned in a different manner than other kids.  Some people have to move to think.  Her mother stuck her in a dance class, and she later became a multi-millionaire. 
I agree with Robinson in that there are many gifts of human imagination and we must learn to educate our children’s “whole being”. 
Kids are not afraid to be wrong or make mistakes, until it is “educated” out of them.  The system has taught us as adults to be afraid of making mistakes, which in turn, hinders human creativity. We need to rethink the view of intelligence.

Loved this video!!! I recommend all future educators to watch  =)

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